miércoles, 9 de abril de 2014

use of third person sigular

The form of a verb used (in English and other languages) with singular nouns and with the pronouns he, she, it and one.

verbs ending in sh, ch,o, x,ss add  "es"
verbs ending in consonant + letter Y change "Y"  to "ies"
verbs ending in vowel + "Y" add "s"

he lives in paris.
luisa studies medicine in canada
carlos swims in a big swimming pool
my mother teaches english
his sister plays volleyball very well

He _ _ _ (sleep) 8 hours everyday.
My mother _ _ _ (cook) a really tasty stew.
The barman _ _ _ (mix) the cocktail very quickly.
She _ _ _ (go) to the school by bus from Monday to Friday.
Bob _ _ _ (try) to study but he can't.
Pamela _ _ _  (write) an email to her sister in USA everyday.
My mum _ _ _  (read) the book when she has got time.
The man _ _ _ (wash) the car in the petrol station.
She _ _ _ (watch) the TV 2 hours in the afternoon.
Alan _ _ _ (like) puppies.
Sam's father _ _ _ (drive) to work everyday.
Your friend _ _ _ (listen) to the CD in class.
She _ _ _ (buy) in the supermarket on Mondays.

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